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Collecting Data with ClubPay's Forms


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Forms are ClubPay's bread and butter and the method through which our vendors collect data. Using our intuitive form builder, you will be able to create forms using 20 unique, per formatted but fully customisable, field types. 

Our drag-and-drop design means you won't need any technical skills to build forms and most users are able to work things out very quickly, but don't worry, we have full guidance materials available and we are always here to help if needed (see support).

Easily Collect all Kinds of Data

There are specific fields for specific purposes, such as the phone field, that will require the user to input a valid value (i.e. the field will only accept 11 numbers formatted in the correct way). This not only makes it quick and easy for vendors to add fields and create forms, but it also increases the accuracy of the data collected

Although many of the fields are pre-formatted, they can be fully customised with changeable properties such as field label and size. Each field also has a set of rules which can be enabled and disabled, for example, to make the field a required field.

Build Advanced Forms with Logic

Logic is used to create advanced, dynamic forms. Using the Logic feature, you will be able to set rules to show or hide certain fields, skip pages, send different notification emails, set which success page the user will be taken to after they submit the form or even send data to another website. 

Some of the uses for logic are more obvious, such as using the show or hide rules to streamline a form so that certain fields are only shown to a user if they are relevant. Other uses can be more nuanced, so the scope of logic can be as wide as your intuitiveness makes it.

Publish Forms How you Choose

One of the things that makes ClubPay unique is the ability to share our forms anywhere you desire. There are 2 ways to share forms.

  1. By sharing a secure URL
  2. By embedding your form into a webpage

When you share a URL with customers, they will be taken to a page that will host your form. Check out our Junior Membership template to see how this looks TEMPLATE: Junior Membership (clubpay.co.uk). They fill out the form, press submit and complete payment if required. All data collected will be immediately available to view through the vendor admin portal. Easy.

We know that many of the clubs and organisations that want to use ClubPay have their own websites. That's why we moved away from giving each vendor their own subdomain and allowed our forms to be embedded anywhere. Every form has its own snippet of code which can be accessed with the click of a button. That code, which comes in a number of formats, can then be copied and pasted into the back end of your site. The form will then be seamlessly embedded into the page. See our Create a Vendor Account page to see how this can look.

Book a Demo to see ClubPay in Action

If you want to know more about how ClubPay works, why not book a free demo. You will get a half-hour preview of how the system works and a chance to ask any questions you may have. With no charge and no obligation, what have you got to lose?

Alternatively, you can create a free account with us and explore the system yourself. It only takes around 10 minutes to get set up and you can get going instantly. Again, with no costs or obligations, there really isn't anything to lose.