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Getting Help (Vendors)

Getting HELP

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One of the key goals for our platform has been to equip our Vendors with the tools they need to fully manage their own ClubPay products. However, for all one of the strengths of our platform is its power and flexibility, the price can be - in some of the more esoteric areas - complexity. So we are here to help (and it's all included in our pricing)...

We have worked hard to make sure that the majority of key, day-to-day tasks are very straightforward and intuitive - especially access to financial and customer data. Get further under the bonnet and things can get a little trickier, at least until you get used to them; you are unlikely to break anything but you might get unexpected results. Where collection of money is concerned, this is clearly undesirable, so we would always suggest that new Vendors (or existing Vendors launching radically different new Products) talk to us about undertaking some QA.

All of that said, ClubPay is designed to be operated by our Customers, so it's really not that hard for anyone reasonably familiar with modern online technology.

Getting Help from a Human

In order to keep our costs low, we do not routinely offer telephone support, although there are occasions where the complexity of a query may mean that's the only viable way to go.

Instead we have an Admin Team who work hard to deal with all enquiries as quickly as possible - usually within a few hours of receipt. 

There are two main ways to access support and guidance:

  • Send an email to our 'help@clubpay...' ClubPay email address
  • Send a message via the About -> Contact menu option below

You can still email your normal support contact but please be aware that they are likely to forward your query so that it can be managed through the Support Portal. We still aim to provide our usual levels of personalised Customer Service, but if you create an account on the Portal you will find a range of mechanisms to get updates and escalate if you feel things are not moving quickly enough.

The more information you can supply us, and the clearer you can be in your requirements, the more likely we are to be able to give you what you want quickly and at the first time of asking.

Assisted Builds

There is no additional charge for any of our core services, so if time or expertise is an issue, we offer an assisted build service. This might be anything from a few pointers to get you up and running, to a lock-stock-and-barrel 'please build it for us', or anything in between. We are here to act as stabilisers or development partner - your call.

One of the great advantages of ClubPay is our many years of experience; it also means that our Vendors usually do not need to reinvent the wheel. No matter what you need, someone is likely to have done something similar so we can generally offer something that you can use as a template for customisation.

Quality Assurance

Even for the most experienced of Vendors, a second pair of eyes rarely hurts. We offer a quality assurance service (again, at no additional cost) to ensure you get the outcomes you want and expect.

Whether you are new to ClubPay and feeling your way; are looking to do something new and innovative; or are just making a small change of direction, we can review what you have done with a view to ensuring that it fits with best practice and will deliver exactly what you are hoping for.

Guidance Documentation

All vendors will receive a link to our guidance documentation in their welcome email. You may want to bookmark this page for future use. If you have lost the link to access the page, please free to email the help desk to request access.

Contacting Vendors

If you have arrived here looking for a way to contact a specific Vendor, each Vendor Store has a 'Contact Us' page; you should use this to make contact with the organisation with whom you have a query.

Contacting ClubPay

If you have any queries around ClubPay's services please submit them through our main Contact page at About - Contact. Please do not use this route to submit queries about Vendors or their Products.