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Collecting Payments with ClubPay


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Alongside collecting data, ClubPay allows vendors to take payments from customers, members and clients. Setting payments up is as easy as clicking a few buttons, transactions are instant, and any money you take is disbursed back to you automatically at an interval of your choosing.

With payments enabled, your club could be collecting memberships, and selling merchandise, courses and event tickets online the easy way.

Set Variable or Fixed Prices

You can choose whether to set a fixed price per form or to set a variable price depending on the options the user chooses or the values they input. Variable pricing can be set to any number of price-enabled fields, meaning vendors can create complex forms with a virtually unlimited amount of pricing options.

Choose from a Variety of Discounting Options

Discount codes can be set up to reduce prices by fixed amounts or by percentage amounts. Additionally, variable pricing can be used to set negative amounts to vastly increase the discounting options available to vendors.

The Best Value Payment & Data Collection Service

ClubPay only ever charges you when you take payments. There are no subscription or joining fees. Transaction fees are not set in stone, vendors can earn discounts by referring other clubs or organisations to ClubPay, for loyalty or for processing increased volume (see Pricing). However, our fees are never higher than 2.4% + 20p per transaction (includes payment provider fees), and we are proud to say that in over a decade of doing business, we have never put our prices up - and we never will.

Book a Demo to see ClubPay in Action

If you want to know more about how ClubPay works, why not book a free demo. You will get a half-hour preview of how the system works and a chance to ask any questions you may have. With no charge and no obligation, what have you got to lose?

Alternatively, you can create a free account with us and explore the system yourself. It only takes around 10 minutes to get set up and you can get going instantly. Again, with no costs or obligations, there really isn't anything to lose.